We publish frequently asked questions.

Please click the item you want to see and check the contents.

For matters not listed, please contact us using the [Inquiry Form].

※Depending on the content of the inquiry, it may take some time to respond or we may not be able to respond. Thank you for your understanding.

About our products

We have created a Q&A for each product.

Please check for faq on each product page.

We apologize for the inconvenience, but we ask for quotations and orders through our distributors. For agency information, please refer to agency information.

Some items are available for purchase online.
When purchasing products from the website, a shipping fee of 2,000 yen (excl tax) will be charged for each destination.(For Hokkaido, Okinawa and isolated islands, 5,000(excl tax) will be charged.
In addition, there are several items that can be purchased from Amazon.